California Workers’ Compensation
Getting injured at work can cause you more than just the physical injury. Your whole life can be affected by not being able to work due to an injury. The good news is that you do not have to go through this trying time alone. At the Law Office of Jennie Spere APC, we are here to help you.
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We can help our clients by helping them to eliminate debt and get a fresh start, which will help them reduce stress and sleep better at night. Specifically, we help clients discharge unsecured debt in chapter 7 bankruptcy and consolidate debt in chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you need to eliminate debt and get a fresh start or just need answers we encourage you to take the first step and call our office at 909-942-6600.
Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation is defined as any legal dispute where two or more parties are seeking monetary damages or a specific performance and does not include criminal accusations. In layman’s terms, this means you want to be paid what you deserve, and the other party is not willing to pay, and that is where The Law Office of Jennie Spere APC comes in and gets you the compensation you deserve.
Personal Injury
Jennie Spere is an experienced attorney and can help with all aspects of your case. She is fully prepared to handle personal injury claims in conjunction with obtaining workers' compensation benefits or other legal matters. Our goal is to help you obtain fair and full compensation for your injuries. If you or a loved one suffered injuries as a result of the negligence, carelessness or recklessness of a third party, you may be able to file a personal injury claim.
What Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Under the Workers’ Compensation program in California, you will be covered for an injury that happened while you were performing your job. Benefits can include covering your medical bills, the cost of rehabilitation, and the wages lost taking time off from work to get better. The goal is to get you better and back to work. All workers injured on the job are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits regardless of your type of job: construction, warehouse, office, retail, or restaurant worker, to name a few.
If you are injured at work, you need to let your employer know and you should also make sure that you document the incident as soon as possible. If you just don’t know what to do or how to do it, call the Law Office of Jennie Spere APC.
So, What Do I Do If I Am Injured At Work?
You need to let someone in charge at work know about the injury. You can tell anyone in charge about it. It can be your immediate supervisor or a manager. They should know what to do and how to document the incident and the injury. If they do document it, ask them for a copy of it. Just be aware that not all employers will be cooperative. Unfortunately, some employers try to avoid filing a workers’ compensation claim or, worse yet, threaten the employee against filing the claim.
Then What Do I Do?
Here is the time to call the Law Office of Jennie Spere APC. We will be able to tell you what to expect from the process and how to obtain your rightful benefits. In California, workers’ compensation benefits are a right for every employee.
Remember, insurance companies and their attorneys have been working hard to limit or deny the California worker his or her rights to medical treatment and benefits. At the Law Office of Jennie Spere, we will aggressively represent our clients’ interests and will continue to do so to ensure that everyone receives the proper medical attention and other workers’ compensation benefits they lawfully and rightfully deserve.
Thank you for taking the time to review the Law Office of Jennie Spere APC’s website. We understand that choosing the right law firm is a very important decision and we are hopeful that you will give us the opportunity to be of service to you. Our attorney and our staff are dedicated to ensuring that the process is as smooth and efficient as it can be while at the same time fighting hard to get our clients all of the benefits that they are entitled to receive.
We want to take this opportunity to invite you to schedule an in-office meeting with our attorney to answer any questions you may have about your situation. Please click on the link below to schedule an appointment.
You may also call our office at (909) 942-6600.
9300 Santa Anita Ave Suite 100 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730